Monday, February 12, 2007

Using Fusible Gridding

Here is how I would define fusible gridding (for those of you who aren’t sure?) I wasn’t a few months ago!

It’s fusible interfacing, the interfacing has a grid, which you can buy in sizes I think up to 3” x 3”. This gives you a template to lay out your quilt squares on. I used 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” gridding for mine. So I cut out my 1-1/2” squares and layed them out how I wanted them (in the trip around the world pattern) and then ironed them to the gridding, so they were stuck on there completely. Then I folded my fabric top to top, and sewed down ¼” seams one direction on each of the lines. When I completed all of one direction, I snipped the corners ¼” all of the way down each line, and then folded it top to top going the other direction. (the cutting of the corners makes it so your fabric will fold the other direction) Then I was done! You leave the fusible interfacing on the fabric, it does not come off. So, the quilt is a little bulky, but I am told over time, with washing it’ll loosen up and not be so stiff and heavy. Does this make sense? The best part of it is, it goes very fast. And your corners are perfect! Woohoo!

I was glad I did a test run with this interfacing before tackling the queen size quilt I plan to use it with. I got used to it, and decided to cut it into sections to make it easier to handle. The only hard part of it was transferring it from the kitchen table where I had it layed out, to the ironing board. I didn’t want to mess up my little squares.

I found out about this at a quilt shop where a lady makes watercolor quilts, and they were so stunning. I asked her how she did it, and did it take forever? She was so happy to tell me about the gridding, very good tip :) I hope some of you try it out, I’d love to see what you make!


Wendy said...

You did a great job on your newest wallhanging! I love your choices of fabrics, they work so well together and set each other off. And thanks for the mini-tutorial on fusible gridding. I've heard of it, and even have an entire book devoted to quilts made this way, but have never tried it!

Casey said...

Heather, you have officially turned into an old lady, so says your little brother.
Which makes it official.

MysteryKnitter said...

You sure have skills. I mean quilting skills.